Ugh, that didn't sound right. The Window will reopen after it's normal cooldown time after the servers come back up. So probably 8hours after the servers come back up. This could be wrong for this specific NM, but that is generally true of most non-HNM.
thats basically what I'd figured but all the searching I did online said window started soon as the servers were back up, though the main example said ~6 hours but thats still less than the normal 8, so I dunno
Window will reopen after it's normal spawn time.
Ugh, that didn't sound right. The Window will reopen after it's normal cooldown time after the servers come back up. So probably 8hours after the servers come back up. This could be wrong for this specific NM, but that is generally true of most non-HNM.
thats basically what I'd figured but all the searching I did online said window started soon as the servers were back up, though the main example said ~6 hours but thats still less than the normal 8, so I dunno
Well, the servers go back up before you can log in so that can cause some discrepancy.
interesting. . . thanks for the info, I'll try and post what happens
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