Sunday, September 23, 2007

Housemates + Roommates

This is probably only going to be relevant to anyone who is in college. However those of you who are, should read this.

It is 4:40 AM right now, on a Sunday morning. I live in a house with 5 other people. Two of them don't seem to understand that other living things exist. They have been loudly partying since 10 PM.

Stop fucking acting like you morons are the only people around. You know who you are. You are the people who don't give a shit about how your actions influence other people, and you force other people to make problems for you before you act like anything above trash.

You are scum. Inability to consider what your actions do to others is the one reason that is good enough to justify removing you from the gene pool for the sole purpose of improving the lives of every other single fucking person on the planet. On any level. Flunking frat boy at college who parties until 5 AM or a criminal who steals because he thinks he is all that matters, you're the same worthless shit.

Go ahead, by all means, enjoy yourself. But as soon as you start doing it at the expense of those around you, you become worthless. If you were the only person on the planet, cool, go do whatever, but guess what. You're fucking not. We're all here, whether we like it or not, and we don't like the smell of your farts as much as you seem to, so shut the fuck up and put down the booze.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Soooo. That was where I went. y halo thar KI.

Kinda sad that people pull that kind of shit but I guess I shouldn't be that surprised. It just seemed like the wiki community was the one last little bit of sanity left where you could go and almost NEVER get flamed (though I'll readily admit there were some users who were douchebags and never really got banned).

Oh well, on to KI I suppose.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Life > FFXI

So now I'm up in Toronto and I've tied up most of my loose ends, but now there are a few things that I'm looking into that are going to be loads of fun.

I haven't even managed to log on to FFXI over the last week or so, but I've decided that I'm going to develop a little text based game based around a universe I designed a few years ago. This is going to be a lot of fun for me, and probably wind up being an excellent game as far as text-based stuff goes (think Colossal Cave Adventure except more modern, plot driven, and maybe a little more user-friendly as far as interface goes). I'm really excited to get to work on it, and for the moment all I can do is write up the story for the first little bit, but soon I'll be able to start coding. I'm hoping to have the final version of the first game done and out by December, but, no promises. Probably more details later as they're solidified.