Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Diamond in a pile of crap

I still fucking hate leveling SMN though.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

At least they LOOK pretty. . . .

I've been leveling summoner just kinda randomly, so I can use it for promys and have it maybe at 37 for subbing on WHM if I ever feel like it.

Summoner SUCKS. At least in the dunes. What the frick am I supposed to do? I can't heal well with only Cure I, and I don't want to either. I can't do damage, using an offensive (note: carby is the only summon I have that has a defensive BP right now, and I have 'em all except Fenrir and Diabolos) blood pact once a battle doesn't do jack. It doesn't even do good damage. The summons suck at meleeing, if they ever hit its a pitiful amount of damage more fitting for a dagger, except they swing as fast as like a great axe. Should I be meleeing? Really? Cause its looking realistic. Its frustrating as hell to be aware of the fact that if I went afk for about an hour we'd lose maybe 10-20 exp/hour out of maybe 3000/hour.

I guess the upside is so far I haven't been in a single party without a WHM, so I've never had to main heal (not that I can but retards in the dunes would ask me to anyways).

I guess on the one hand its going to feel good when I finish leveling it, but for crying out loud I'm only 14 now, theres going to be a LOT of pain before I get it up to the point where I can even do useful things for the party, let alone enjoy it. After this I need to get RDM up for mage subs as well, then as SAM moves up I'll have pretty much all significant subs leveled for just about anything, or at least the basic exp ones. . . oh well.

UPDATE: Banish (from SUBJOB) does roughly the same thing as any of the offensive blood pacts (from MAIN JOB) and Cure (from SUBJOB) does more than healing ruby (from MAIN JOB), which is my only defensive blood pact. I might as well just de-level my WHM to 7 and party with that, it'd be the same freaking thing.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Alright, I'm kinda bored, so I'm just gonna run through some music I like in no particular order.

I like this one a lot, but as far as Ok Go goes I prefer Get Over It, which you can also find on youtube.

This next one is probably the best song ever to wake up to because of its intro in my opinion.

I love that song a lot, I grew up listening to Green Day, the Offspring, Nirvana, the Smashing Pumpkins, and stuff like that. As far as the Smashing Pumpkins go, I've just recently been able to get back into listening to them, as my dumb sister has all but lost the family's CDs, so I can't get at them.

The music that Frank Klepacki has done for various games, particularly the Command and Conquer series, is also extremely excellent, I tend to listen to that a lot.

Theres also Party Ben (, hes a mashup artist that does some really cool stuff, and honestly I enjoy his mashups more than a lot of the songs that he mixes together. Very good artist, and also a cool guy, he used to do radio stuff for a station here around San Francisco, is/was always fun to listen to.

Lastly for now, some Weezer. One of the best songs ever, from one of the best bands ever.

Anyways, thats it for now. Helping a friend to the MNK AF pants quest, and then staticing with my THF, so a fun day.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Clear road, new paths

Well, firstly, probably the most important thing.

And of course. . .

Very VERY easy fight. As long as you're smart, and read up/prepare for the fight, this is a complete and utter joke. He never even came close to killing me. So, as the title indicated, I have a clear path to 75.

Also though, some new paths for me to travel down.

I can now finally start on ZM, and do Dynamis (waiting for Draco to pick a shell for Dynamis before I choose my own). For anyone that cares, Draco and I were talking about the band Bush right there.

I've also been doing some assault, which is really fun. I didn't really know much about it before but now that I've tried it, its awesome. This was a BRILLIANT idea on Square's part. One thing the game lacked was specific objectives and triggers beyond "go make this thing die and don't get killed". Very nicely done Square, another quality piece of work. I'm hoping to work towards eventually picking up a full set of the stuff for THF, or possibly SAM, or both, but hopefully one or the other. Can't recall which I found sexier stat wise and looks wise, and I'm unsure currently whether I'd rather run around on SAM or THF primarily down the road, but either way, theres a fun bit to look forward to.

Speaking of SAM and THF, I've been hoarding cash and abusing a select few synths in an attempt to raise money for two Woodsman Rings, (maybe) one Corsair's Knife, (maybe) a Scorpion Harness, a Haubergeon, and (maybe) a Byrnie. This is primarily because SAM and THF are the two jobs I believe I'm going to be taking up after WHM.

I've also been sort of toying with the idea of running BLM or RDM up to 75 for soloing reasons, though I need to take SMN to 37 as well so I have all my mage subjobs in order. Either way, for the moment I'm simply going to deal with getting WHM to 75 (most likely with the static its in, almost 70 now even), and then taking SAM up hopefully to 75 as well, probably with THF capping out somewhere in the middle with a little linkshell static we've set up.

Thats about it for now, I'll probably post some once I've picked up those few items I'm looking to get, though I fear it'll be quite some time before I get my hands on anything beyond the woodsmans and the corsair's, if even those 3.

Oh yea, and new template obviously. Sexy, I'd say.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Early Morning Part(y) 1

So, last night I set my alarm for like 6:20 AM, and actually managed to wake up to turn it off. Then I went back to sleep.

Fortunately, I woke up again at 7:15 or so and managed to get online for the party before they replaced me.

We took a while to get the camp, which is fine cause we didn't know what we were camping, but eventually we found a good one and started killing while the SAM finished doing some stuff for his/her boss (some spreadsheet junk). However, after they finished, the SAM revealed that they had a pretty high fever, and weren't going to be able to party.

I totally don't mind, I needed to start getting up before noon anyways, but I was just kinda confused as to why they didn't say so earlier, so I suspect they may've just not felt like partying but didn't want to just come out and say that, but even if that was really the case I still wouldn't mind at all.

At any rate, we managed to get 67 (we got really close last time), so I'm kinda enjoying that, but leveling cooking instead of doing anything with WHM. More later maybe, need to see if this synth makes as much money as the one before it did.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Catching Up - The Rest

Alright, this time around there'll be some more text along with the pretty pictures that I'm hoping the 2 people that read my blog like.

First up, hunting. I picked up three very important items a while back.

1. Bounding Boots - the last one I picked up, but arguably the most important, due to the number of jobs I plan on leveling that'll use them.

2. Empress Hairpin - first one I picked up, with the help of Draco, probably wouldn't have gotten this without him. It'd be the most important, but I ended up getting it after finishing off NIN, so really its basically Bounding Boots for my head, unless you wanna count the evasion for pulling on THF, but I don't really need it.

3. Ochimusha Kote - the least important, but by no means the worst item. If I could use this for more of my jobs it'd be more important, but its good for NIN if I ever pick it up again, will be INVALUABLE on my SAM, and wouldn't hurt on my MNK either if I level it more. Still need to get pairs of these for Draco and Galb though.

My WHM is also now about 5k off of 67, and I've got a testimony, so once I get around to bugging Draco for his earth staff, I'll go take care of that "fight". Recently though I think I made a mistake with my WHM that sucks for now, but might be really cool once I'm through doing it. I joined a static with some cool guys from Singapore, which is great, but most of them require waking up at 7 AM or earlier. SEVEN AM. I wake up at noon usually. This will be interesting.

A while ago, we knocked off Fugazi's RDM AF weapon, and had a nice little conversation towards the end as orcs just randomly came out of nowhere and linked on the one Ife was fighting.

The innocent question
Losing the innocence. . . .Innocence???And just because
Later on, we went to get Red Mage Testimonies for DW, and managed to get an item I didn't recognize, until we went and spawned this with it.

Draco got the knife. I'd be jealous, but its a level 70 item, and I probably won't have 70 THF for AT LEAST another 3-4 months, so, cool stuff.

I've also been leveling BST a bit with Galb and Draco, which is really fun, even though we're just acting like WARs for the moment and meleeing crap with no pets. . .I can't wait to charm stuff and make it do all the work for me. However, discussing BST in link got a fun reaction out of Noodles/TMP.
As you probably know, theres the whole 5th Anniversary event going on right now, and you get your stats like very year (plus a freaking sweet ring that acts like the empress band except for 3k exp and gives a 100% bonus), so, here're mine.

Lastly, I've been leveling cooking on Arigan so that I can have a constant source of income, while saving cash on BST and stuff. I've gotten to. . .I think its 12 now, I'm synthing while I write this up, making bug broth until 15 when I switch over to apple juice to 20. Hope I can finish that off before I have to go to bed so I can wake up at 7 AM for that static party. . .

Anyways, thats all for now. I think thats everything.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Catching Up - Summon Frenzy

I've gotten a LOT done recently, and haven't posted, so I'ma start catching up. First up, avatars.Didn't get any pics of Shiva, but thats ok cause her face is fugly anyways.